Jonathan Daniells


Osteopathy, an integrative health discipline originating in the 19th century, encompasses a diverse range of therapeutic methodologies that surpass the biomechanical treatment of back pain. Pioneered by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still, osteopathy highlights the intrinsic connection between the body’s anatomical structures and physiological functions, emphasizing the body’s inherent capacity for self-healing.
Within this in-depth course, our primary aim is to thoroughly examine and broaden the scope of structural osteopathic techniques, transcending the fundamental parameters of manual therapy. We will investigate the essential principles, concepts, and values of traditional osteopathy as championed by Dr. Still and his contemporaries.
Throughout the course, students will acquire the knowledge necessary to assimilate these core osteopathic principles into their professional practice, effectively employing manual techniques such as Structural Osteopathic Technique (SOT), articulatory and adjustment techniques.

Treatment techniques covered in this course will include:
a) Myofascial manipulation
b) Passive joint mobilization/articulation
c) Peripheral and axial joint adjustment techniques
e) Specific adjustive techniques

Articulatory and adjustive techniques constitute a significant aspect of osteopathic treatment. These techniques aim to not only enhance joint mobility, but also serve as a multifaceted set of interventions to modify soft tissue tone and function, fluid dynamics, neurogenic plasticity, biodynamics, and to integrate biopsychosocial diagnosis and treatment within osteopathic healthcare.

This segment of the course offers an extensive and in-depth analysis of osteopathic articulatory and adjustment techniques for axial and peripheral joints. Students will experience a region-by-region demonstration of techniques to articulate, mobilize, and adjust all joints from the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to the foot. Supervised practice of these techniques will be encouraged to develop and refine students’ clinical skills within this range of techniques.

Students will learn how to safely and effectively apply these techniques with patients in recumbent, sitting, and standing positions and how to adapt them to suit specific clinical scenarios. This knowledge will be grounded in the principles inherent to traditional osteopathy. Once mastered, these techniques can be seamlessly integrated into the clinical environment for the benefit of patients.

The anatomical regions covered during this segment include:
– Temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
– Cervical spine
– Glenohumeral, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular joints
– Humeroulnar and radioulnar joints
– Carpus, metacarpophalangeal (MCP), and interphalangeal (IP) joints of the hand
– Thoracic spine, costovertebral, and costotransverse joints
– Lumbar spine
– Sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis
– Femoroacetabular joint
– Femorotibial and tibiofibular joints
– Talocrural and subtalar joints
– Tarsometatarsal joints and interphalangeal joints of the foot

The Specific Adjusting Technique (S.A.T.) was developed by Parnell Bradbury in the 1950s. Tom Dummer, the founder of the European School of Osteopathy, continued to refine and expand upon the principles of S.A.T. within the framework of osteopathy. S.A.T. is a model of minimal intervention, adhering to
the fundamental principle of “find it, fix it, and leave it alone.”

In the early development of S.A.T., Parnell Bradbury observed that the most effective outcomes of this treatment modality were achieved when applied to atypical areas of the spine. He further refined the S.A.T. model with the concept of the “positional lesion,” which are traumatically induced restrictions of mobility primarily affecting the atypical regions of the spine and pelvis.

Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of these advanced concepts and techniques, allowing them to incorporate S.A.T. principles into their osteopathic practice. This knowledge will further enable them to provide more targeted and effective treatment plans for their patients, addressing the
underlying causes of various musculoskeletal and biomechanical issues. In this component of the course, students will delve into the history, ethos, and principles of S.A.T.

During this segment of the course, students will be taught:
1. The concepts, principles, and ethos of S.A.T., including the assessment and integration of Littlejohn’s pivot concepts.
2. Examination, assessment, and analysis of the triunity system, with the objective of identifying the primary and/or priority lesion.
3. The significance of the ‘positional lesion’ within an osteopathic biopsychosocial diagnosis.
4. The formulation of a treatment plan utilizing an S.A.T. approach.
5. Specific adjustment techniques for addressing the ‘positional lesion’.
6. The concept of physiological fields within the S.A.T. approach, including the ‘floating field’ concept for treating traumatically induced ‘positional lesions’.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of osteopathy’s rich history and philosophy
  • Proficiency and assurance to implement these principles in clinical practice
  • Deliver a specific approach to patient care in the MSK system, using SOT and articulatory techniques.
  • Master with a classical osteopathic reasoning, the use of SOT techniques, as taught by the contemporaries of A.T. Still.
  • Conducte precise assessments of patients utilizing osteopathic, biomechanical, and biodynamic examination techniques.
  • Develop an osteopathically integrated diagnosis, incorporating biopsychosocial, biomechanical, and biodynamic models consistent with the traditional principles and concepts of osteopathic healthcare.
  • Implement osteopathic treatment techniques effectively based on an integrated working diagnosis.

Jonathan graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1994 with special praise and a Diploma in Osteopathy. After graduation, Jonathan joined the teaching faculty of the European School of Osteopathy and assisted Mr Peter Blagrave both in the U.K. and internationally. Jonathan took over the delivery of Peter!s “Patient Handling! course in 2006 and was also asked to deliver an Advanced Clinical Practice course at the E.S.O. in 2008. In addition, Jonathan has taught courses in Clinical Neurology and Osteopathic Medicine both in the U.K. and internationally.

He has been an internal examiner at the E.S.O. until 2005 and also an external examiner internationally. In 2008, Jonathan was asked the join the Molinari Institute of Health and taught advanced structural techniques in Kobe, Japan.

Jonathan continues to practice in Kent and London.

Jonathan Daniells - D.O.
Jonathan Daniells
Gary Riley - D.O.

Gary graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1995 with a Diploma in Osteopathy. He has worked in private clinical practice both within the U.K. and South Africa. He has been a provider of Osteopathic education since 1996 teaching undergraduate courses at the European School of Osteopathy, the British School of Osteopathy, the College of Osteopaths and several international Osteopathic education institutions.

From 2000 to 2005 he was the Head of Technique and Clinical Practice at the E.S.O and is a senior clinical tutor at the E.S.O. Gary has been an internal examiner at the E.S.O. and
B.S.O. including assessment of Final Clinical Competency. He has also been an external examiner in the U.K. and internationally.

Gary has developed and delivered multiple courses at post-graduate level. He
currently practices in Kent and London


Gez graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1982, having studied under John Wernham, Tom Dummer, Robert Lever, Harold Klug and Mervyn Waldman in an era when osteopathy was taught in small groups with intense individual tuition from those teachers who were only half a step removed from Martin Littlejohn and therefore to Still himself. Since that time, he has worked in private practice and within Osteopathic education at both  undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Gez was fortunate to be able to work and teach with Tom Dummer which helped to develop and deepen his understanding of S.A.T. Gez has taught S.A.T. for over 25 years and brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this component of the course. Gez taught on the undergraduate course at the European School of Osteopathy and was a senior clinic tutor for
many years. He has been an internal examiner at the E.S.O. including for the assessment of the Final Osteopathic Practical Examination. Gez continues to work in private practice in London and Hertfordshire.

Gerald Lamb
Gerald Lamb





3 days per Module - 1 Modules


On completion of the course, participants will not be entitled to call themselves osteopaths without the possession of professional license or registration as osteopaths from a competent healthcare regulatory authority. The course tutor will not be responsible for damage caused by participants to colleagues during the course or subsequently to their patients in clinical practice.

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